How Well Does Toni Know Her Own Music?
When you have a discography filled with hits like Toni Braxton, it’s probably hard to keep track of all of them. Toni sat down with BET to play a game of "Decoded" to see just how well she knows the lyrics to her own songs!
This is how it works, "Decoded" read some of Toni's lyrics - her biggest hits mixed in with some of her lesser known cuts in her lengthy recording career. It's up to Toni to guess where they're from!
So, how did she make out?
Toni knows her music! She was able to “Decode” the lyrics for songs like “Please,” “Baby You Can Do It,” “Let it Flow, “Another Sad Love Song,” “Deadwood,” and “You Mean the World to Me.”
But, she did waver a little bit with these lyrics, “It is an age-old story, goes back to Adam and to Eve. I know you know what I want for." She did remember it was a song with the late Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, but she couldn’t recall the song’s title which was “Gimme Some.”
For the next set of lyrics, she even questioned if she was the one to sing it! “Full grown, come and get it if you want me, get your money, baby, I can spend it on me,” but then she started singing and guessed the right title “Lookin' at Me.”
When it got to these lyrics, Toni was stumped. “I’m straight up feeling your style, I love the way you make me feel, when you keep it real, when you’re holding me, when you’re spooning me,” from the song “Maybe.” Toni explained the reason why she didn’t know what this song was, “I didn’t understand myself on that song, I just kind of went with it,” Braxton said.
She quickly caught on to the lyrics for “Let it Flow” and revealed it was one of Whitney Houston’s favorite songs!
Then BET threw another kink in the game with the lyrics to “Hands Tied” and “If I Have to Wait.” Toni immediately started singing the songs like an impromptu mini concert!
When it got to these lyrics, Toni admitted she had no idea what song it was from. “I still keep on dreamin,’ I still keep on dreamin’ that tomorrow’s gonna be better than today,” from the song “Good Life” from the Braxtons. “Oh my god, my sisters are going to kill me for that one,” Toni said after she couldn’t remember the song.
Meanwhile, “Love Shoulda Brought You Home” was released 25 years ago this month! It was featured on the soundtrack for the movie "Boomerang." The song was also Toni's debut single and became a top hit on the Billboard charts!
Check out the full "Decoded with Toni Braxton" video: